Sunday, June 19, 2011

Meet My Canine Companions

Since I like to include my canine companions in my adventures, I thought I should start off by introducing them.  I've seldom been without a dog for long at any time during my entire adult life, so I've lived with many over the years.  Each of them beloved and unique with their own personality.  Currently I share my life and home with two border collies, Skye and Tim.  Here is a link to read more about Skye and here is a link to read all about Tim.

Border collies were bred to herd and have a high energy level.  We don't live on a farm - we live in the burbs of Seattle, so they don't have anything to herd.  I try to take them with me as much as possible to keep them busy.  Skye and Tim have started their own page to share our adventures from a more canine perspective -  Border Collies in the Burbs.

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