Sunday, October 2, 2011

A Fun Activity for October - Boo Your Neighbor

It's Time to Boo Your Neighbor!

I must admit at first this may not seem to be about the Pacific Northwest, but then maybe it is.  Booing your neighbor is a fun family Halloween or fall activity that also helps people to get to know their neighbors and helps to thaw the dreaded "Seattle Freeze". 

If you haven't heard of it before, it basically follows the old tradition of the May Day basket, but with a Halloween twist.  You select a couple of neighbors and leave a container of treats on their door knob along with a "We've Been Boo'ed" sign and a poem letting them know how the game is played, ring the doorbell, run and hide.  Kids can help put together the package and usually enjoy delivering the treats.   You can make it a dog-friendly activity if you leave the treats in the course of taking a walk with your dog.

For more details about how to Boo your neighbor along with links to websites with free downloadable poems and signs go to my You've Been Boo'ed page!

1 comment:

  1. Oh, I really like the "We've been Boo'ed" game. Halloween is hardly celebrated here in Germany. Usually we have one or two poorly disguised kids who come by. They don't even know what to say when you open the door.
